
Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013

Stichwort "Ausgequetschte Zitrone": CA stramm auf IBM-Kurs

Wie sich die Meldungen gleichen: Der US-Softwarespezialist CA Technologies hat im vergangenen zweiten Fiskalquartal 2014 seinen Gewinn steigern können, obwohl sich der Umsatz rückläufig entwickelte. 

Der Aktionär geht so lange zum Dividenden-Brunnen, bis der Mitarbeiter bricht. Solange noch ein Mitarbeiter da ist...

Und was sagte CEO Mike Gregoire angesichts eines vermutlich wieder fetten Bonus:
"I am pleased with our overall second quarter results. We over performed on both the top line and the bottom line, enabling us to increase our full year guidance for revenue and GAAP and non-GAAP earnings per share.  This is clearly a beginning, but we still have work to do to get the aggregate portfolio growing. To drive growth at CA we are investing in our business.  In the second half of the fiscal year we will increase our research and development spend and accelerate our investment in marketing, all within the expense guidance we outlined at the outset of the fiscal year.  This will enable us to continue to deliver disruptive new products like our recently announced Nimsoft Monitor Snap - a free, feature-rich monitoring solution that provides an entirely new customer experience - and the next generation of mainframe products.  Accelerating innovation, delivering differentiated products and focusing our marketing is the path to getting CA on a growth trajectory.” 

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