
Freitag, 1. Oktober 2010

Zitat des Tages: HPotheker & Wall Street

»I thought it would be difficult for HP
to hire an outsider and have its stock to go down,
but this board seems to have found a way.«

Brian Marshall, Analyst bei Gleacher & Co., über den gestrigen Rückgang der Aktie von Hewlett-Packard, nach der Ankündigung, dass Leo Apotheker neuer CEO des Unternehmens werde

»SAP's customer relationships suffered badly
and so did employee morale while (Apotheker) was there,
so this is a bit of an odd choice by HP.«

Paul Hamerman, Analyst bei Forrester Research

Journalyse-Quelle: Washington Post, 30.9.2010: HP board's selection of new CEO raises new doubts

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